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File: 120596_aacwy_27.txt
Page: 27
Total Pages: 34

 	paid to member based on where they are
 	billeted, not where they are TDY. Personnel
 	working at Ramstein were billeted at Ramstein
 	AB, Vogelweh and Kapaun. All of these locations
 	are within 50-45 minutes from one another. Even
 	Vogelweh and Kapaun, which are directly across
 	the street from one another, have different
 	rates of per diem. Payment of different per
 	diem amounts for personnel working on the same
 	base caused an unnecessary morale problem and
	increased temporary duty costs to the government
	for no logical reason.

 3. 	Recommendation: Review the diem require
 	 meets on and around Ramstein AB and, if it is
 	possible, establish one standardized per diem
 	rate which is fair to both the government and to
 . 	the individual.

 AK. 	There is a need for Land Mobile Radio procedure
 1. 	Observation: Personnel arrived at the AECF
 	without being properly trained in using land
 	 mobile radios.

 2. 	Discussion: Personnel arrived to work in
 	operations without having adequate training in
 	the use of land mobile radios on the flight
 	line. Although this is not a training item
 	which required a long training curve, it is
 	another-example which demonstrated that a total
 	training package for AECE personnel is lacking.
3. 	Recommendation: Develop a training package for
 	AECE management personnel and include necessary
 	land mobile radio protocol.

AL.	 Standards are required and must be made available
 for set-up and use of medical equipment. -
 1. 	Observation: Standards to set-up, issue, use,
 	and maintain medical equipment used in aero-
 	medical evacuation were not available.

 2.	Discussion: Various medical equipment items
 	were assigned to the AECE for use on aeromedical
 	evacuation missions. Standards to set-up,
 	issue, use, and maintain the medical equipment
 	was not readily available. Personnel assigned
 	to the AECE management team were lacking in
 	necessary information to immediately accomplish
 	this mission.

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