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File: 120596_aacxh_10.txt
Page: 10
Total Pages: 53



JUST FLY. 	The amount of time (in percent) the primary operational threshold of ceilings above 10,000 feet (or no ceilings) were actually observed. JUST FLY measures the expected percent-of time an aircrew would have favorable target weather if no weather information were available and they "Just flew." 

PERSISTENCE. The conditions observed currently will remain through the entire period. A persistence forecast is a "no-change" forecast. PERSISTENCE i5 one way to measure a forecast technical skill capability for changing conditions. 

NO SKILL FORECAST. The control against what a forecast is measured. In this study, two "no skill" forecast measures were used: "JUST FLY" and PERsistence. F JUST.FLY gives an indications of the forecast skill measured against climatology, persistence against change.


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