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File: 120596_aacxh_11.txt
Page: 11
Total Pages: 53



HQ AWS/DO tasked 5 WW to prepare this report on Operations DESERT SHIELD and DESERT STORM. The purpose of this report is to examine the impact of weather and weather support on operations, and detail the AWS contributions to the war effort.

This report's principal author is Major Alan R. Shaffer,5 WW/DOS. Contributing authors are Lt Col John V. St Onge, Jr.; Lt Col William C. Smith; Col Terry C. Tarbell,5 WW/DO; and Maj Robert W. Keefer, AWS/DOJ. We appreciate the valuable comments and inputs received from Col Bob Pastusek (TAC/DRI) Col Tony Tolin (Deputy TAC/XP); Col George Muellner (Deputy TAC/DR) Col Jim Coldey (USCENTCOM SWO); Col Bill Weaving (USCENTCOM Deputy SWO); Lt Col Jerry Riley (USCENTAF SWO); Lt Col Bill Campbell (ARCENT SWO); Lt Col Ron Wall (AWS/ADO); and Capt Mike Cottschall (AWS/DOJR). We also appreciate the comments received during several reviews by personnel at HQ TAC, HQ AWS, 1 WW, 2 WW, 3 WW, 4 WW, 7 WW, and AFGWC. Invaluable assistance was provided in computing forecasting accuracy by Capt Tony Warren (ETAC/DNY) and Capt Kim Carver (ETAC/DNY). Finally, we appreciate the superb administrative support provided by Mrs Mary Hoover and Mrs Betty Jenkins.

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