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File: 120596_aacxn_17.txt
Page: 17
Total Pages: 25

        hauls made to areas surrounding KFIA. These areas include Jubial, Dhahran, A1
       Damman, A1 Kobar, and King Abdul Aziz AB, Dhahran, SA.

        MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS: (U) Approximately five times per week,
       maintenance military members make "part runs" to the Dhahran area, armed with
      M-16s and  ammunition, in a white Toyota pick-up truck. The drivers, who
        sometimes wear civilian clothes during the "run", usually varys the times of
        departure; however, their route of travel is not varied. All maintenance for
        military vehicles is done by military members.

                        --WATER SUPPLY: Three wells on KFIA provide treated, potable
        water. Each well has an electrical generator to power the pumping station
       should the main power fail. Well water is drawn into two 550 thousand gallon
        tanks for treatment and stored in one of the three potable water storage tanks
       located at KFIA. The treatment plant can treat13,000 cubic meters of water
        per day, and can store 2.5 million gallons. The tanks are normally kept at
        more than 85 percent capacity. The water is tested daily, and normally found
       to contain less than 500 milligrams of total desolved solids per liter, which
        conforms to the World Health Organization guidelines. Water samples are drawn
        from 15 locations on KFIA on a weekly basis and tested by Bioenvironmental
        Health personnel from the 354th Air Transportable Hospital.  If contaminants
        are found, personnel use bottled water until the source of the problem is
        found and corrected. Tbere is a 24 hour time lapse between the time samples
        are taken and results obtained. Thus, contaminated water could be consumed by
       USAF personnel before a problem is detected. Bottled water is stored at the
       services storage yard located inside the USAF tent city. Bottled water is
       obtained by contract from local distributors. There are approximately 12,000
        cases of water on hand, which is well over the required 5700 cases needed for
        contingency operations.

                  SECURITY: (U) The water treatment plant is a two story building
        of masonry construction located inside the 354th ATH compound. The compcund
       is surrounded by a six foot chain link fence with three strands of barbed wire
        on top. The compound's western side serves as a partial border alone the base
         inner perimeter. Entry into the compound through two entry/exit points is
        controlled by USAF Security Police and hospital personnel. Security Police
        normally man the South ECP, while hospital personnel monitor the North ECP.
        ECP Controllers are armed with loaded M-16 rifles. Night lighting illuminates
        the water treatment plant adequately.

        PERSONNEL - (U) The water treatment plant is normally run by
        approximately 25 Third Country National personnel. Eight USAF members from,
        the 354th TFW Civi1 Engineering Squadron are trained to operate the water
       treatment plant, and work side by side with the  TCNs. 

        - FOOD SUPPLY: (U) Food sources for USAF members include field
        kitchens, contractor-operated dining fac111ties, and Meals, Ready-to-Eat
        (MREs)/B-Ratigns. Local food concesiona1res   also on site.          -

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