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File: 120596_aadab_15.txt
Page: 15
Total Pages: 25

	A six aircraft package was launched against an Iraqi air
base known as H-3, with chemical warfare munitions dumps and
bunkers as the primary targets. Bengal 11 through  Bengal 14
carried GBU-24 guided bombs, while Bengal 15 had a load of two AIM-9
missiles and four CBU-87 cluster bombs and Bengal l6 had four
CBU-89 cluster bomb units. The four aircraft with guided bombs all
had unsuccessful missions,

	Both Viking 15 and Viking 16 obtained hits with their
cluster bombs, although Viking l6 had to drop on an alternate
target instead of its primary target.

	Jalibah Airfield was the target for a four-ship flight.
All four aircraft, Bear 01 through Bear 04, carried two GBU-24
guided bombs. Bears 01, 02 and 03 also carried two AIM-9 missiles
each. Only Bear 03 succeeded in hitting its target, a shelter at
the airfield.  Bear 04 experienced a ground abort and did not fly
the mission, [(b)(l)sec3.4(b)(4)]

	Four F-lllF aircraft using the call signs Ram 55 through
58 attacked A1 Jarrah airfield, with all four combat sorties rated
as successful. All four aircraft carried and released four GBU-24
guided bombs and obtained hits on the airfield, knocking out the
runways to prevent Iraqi forces from launching aircraft from the

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