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File: 120596_aadab_21.txt
Page: 21
Total Pages: 25

[(b)(l)sec 3.4 (b)(4)]

		While heavy clouds prevented effective F-lllF
bombing missions, the EF-l1lA electronic countermeasures aircraft
were not effected, as no need for good visibility existed in the
Raven's task of jamming enemy radar defenses. .

	All four of the successful sorties of the wave were in
Jet flight. The target area, the Iraqi airfield called H3, had
weather that allowed the aircraft to release and guide their bombs.
The primary targets, chemical bunkers at H3, were hit by two of the
five aircraft in the flight. Two others had to hit alternate
targets in the area while the fifth F-lllF had to air abort for an
equipment failure at the initial point. All of the other flights
had unsuccessful missions, due mainly to poor weather. Most did
not even get the chance to drop bombs, as cloud cover totally
obscured targets.  The planned targets, such as a communications
center at At Kut; bridges near An Nasiriyah, Saqash, and in the
Bagdhad area; Scud launchers     [(b)(l)sec 3.4 (b)(4)]    all
escaped bombardment due to poor weather and would have to be reas-
signed as targets at a later date.

Day Three
	Two waves were also flown by the 48 TFWP on the third day

of Operation Desert Storm. The first of these waves included

twenty F-lllF aircraft and fourteen EF-lllA Ravens. The wing
succeeded in launching thirty-three of these aircraft, with one F-

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