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File: 120596_aadab_22.txt
Page: 22
Total Pages: 25

lllF ground aborting 	[(b)(l)sec 3.4 (b)(4)]

	All fourteen of the EF-lllA sorties were rated as
successful, providing effective jamming for allied strike forces.
Six of the nineteen F-lllF aircraft launched had to abort their
missions before bombing the target. [(b)(l)sec 3.4 (b)(4)]

	The wave of F-lllF aircraft consisted of three separate
flights.   Bengal 01 through Bengal 08 attacked Scud and chemical
weapons depot structures at Qubaysah. Six of the eight aircraft
logged successful missions, three hitting targets with GBU-24
guided bombs and three using GBU-89 cluster bomb units. The
second flight, Cardinal 11 through Cardinal 18, had only one
successful sortie out of eight aircraft. One ground abort and
three air aborts left four aircraft to hit the target, command and
control facilities in the H2 and H3 area. Problems such as smoke
and clouds in the area, MiG-29 interception   [(b)(l)sec 3.4 (b)(4)]

				while the other aircraft
obtained a direct hit on its alternate target. The last flight of
the wave, consisting of Steeler 21 through Steeler 24, had Tikrit
airfield as a target. Two of these aircraft air aborted, while
another had an equipment malfunction that caused the two GBU-24
bombs it released to miss the target. Steeler 24, however, did hit

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