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File: 120596_aadab_23.txt
Page: 23
Total Pages: 25

its target with four CBU-89 cluster bombs.

	Launched the night of l9 January and returning to base in
the early hours of 20 January, the second wave of Day 3 included
twenty-eight aircraft. The wing flew all eight EF-lllA sorties
scheduled for the second wave, with all eight missions rated as
successful.  Of the twenty F-lllF sorties scheduled, eighteen
aircraft launched, with two ground aborted

[(b)(l)sec 3.4 (b)(4)]

				Of the remaining aircraft, four
obtained successful results. Three dropped their bombs but did not
hit the assigned targets, while the other four did obtain
satisfactory results.

		Targets: for the wave included Habbaniyah airfield,
command bunkers at A1 Amarah, Scud sites and control centers at A1
Hallih and chemical weapons bunkers at Qalat Salih airfield.
The problems with tankers prevented hitting most targets , however,
so the attacks would have to be delayed until later missions.

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