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File: 970207_aadcd_011.txt
Page: 011
Total Pages: 17

        As late as 7 February the CBPO at Robins sent amended
        order to the deployed 2lst members still using the
        wong zip code. These order did not arrive until 13
        March. They also sent orders for the personnel
        deployed to England. They seemed totally unaware of
        which personnel were deployed to England and which to
        Saudi Arabia.

       (3) Recommendation: Accurate information, such as mail
        Zip Codes, is critical. Orders for a major deployment
        such as "Desert Storm" should have numerous Ouality
        Control checks.

  g.   Conflicting Information on Promotion, PME, etc.

        (l) Observation: There was conflicting information
        given to various units concerning eligibility for
        promotions, input of in theater Commanders, PME's, etc.
        This disparity of treatment resulted in poor morale
        among unit members who were told they still had to have
        PME but could not get the appropriate volumes sent to
        them in Country. In addition, the in-theater Commander
        was suppose to have been afforded the opportunity to
        comment on promotion of personnel assigned to them.
        The 21 APSS made no attempt to secure this input.

        (2) Discussion:  The 52th APSS at Scott AFB, IL was
        told PME's were being waived and their personnel were
         being promoted. The 2lst APSS at Patrick AFB, FL
        received no clear guidance resulting in personnel in
        theater being denied promotion. It should be noted
        both units are part of the 14th Air Force and should
        have received and followed the same information.

        (3) Recommendation: Better communication is needed
        within CONUS to insure that all units not only receive
        the same information but properly follow guidelines to
        avoid disparity of treatment between personnel from
        differert units.

   h. Medical Care of Assigned Personnel
        (1) Observation: Chronic medical problems degraded
        the ability of the ASF to meet its mission and tied up
        physician, nursing personnel and used up medical
        (2) Discussion: Many personnel hours were spent
        treating chronic conditions at sick call. Two hundred
        and sixty (260) visits were made to sick call mostly
        for chronic conditions such as allergies to dust mites,
        asthma, colitis, blisters, back pain etc.

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