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File: 970207_aadcd_012.txt
Page: 012
Total Pages: 17

                  (3) Recommendation: Physicians need to be more
                  vigilant in their follow up of such conditions which
                  are chronic. Individuals with chronic medical problems
                  such as allergies should not be qualified for worldwide

                   A test for upper arm strength should also be mandatory
                   for individuals involved in lifting patients. The
                   ability to lift seventy pounds is a requirement for
                   other  branches of the military. It should be a routine
                   part of the physica1 exam.

              i. Training

                   (1) Observation: There was a significant difference
                   in training levels between various units. Virtually no
                   one had any real training in setting up and operating a
                   camp under field conditions.

                (2) Discussion: At present there appears to be a
                 significant difference in the training received between
                 individual units and becween the numbered Air Force.
                 Many APSS members deployed have never had the
                 opportunity to observe or work in an ASF or to be part
                 of a live peacetime mission.

                 Lack of training on setting up a camp under field
                 conditions resulted in gross inefficiency and having to
                 reaccomplish many tasks. For example no one in camp
                 had any knowledge or training on how to construct
                 bunkers. Bunkers were constructed and reconstructed
                 several times, only to have most of them condemned by
                 the Marines in the end. This inefficiency resulted in
                 a loss of personnel to other mission essential tasks
                 and a high level of frustration among unit members.

                 (3) Recommendation: There should be an uniform
                 training program for all APSS units. All APSS members
                 should be allowed at least annually to become a part of
                 the management of an ASF.

                More realistic training on field conditions needs to be
                 accomplished on a regular basis, e.q., how to pitch
                 tents, operate radio communication equipment, test the
                 potability of water, build bunkers, perform guard
                 duties, etc.
                 Reservists should be given priority for such classes as
                  Battlefield Nursing, Advance Trauma Life Support & C4
                 courses if their involvement is to remain at the same
                 level as in the Persian Gulf War.

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