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File: 970207_aadci_042.txt
Page: 042
Total Pages: 139



        LOGISTICS ISSUE NO. 12 Gas mask inserts, optometry support for ATH
        (SGHR ITEMS NO. 167, 189)

        BACKGROUND: No AF optometrists or optometry technicians were deployed to the
        AOR during ODS.

       DISCUSSION: This issue is related to optometry support in the field, with
       which the Army is tasked. An optical field set (OFS) and a technician is
       spelled out in WARMED plans. OFS is capable of supplying finished spectacles
       and gas mask inserts.

        RECOMMENDATIONS: Optometrists, technicians, and associated hardware be
        deployed with ATHs.

        ACTIONS REQUIRED: Determine if optometry support should be made part of the
        ATH equipment package.

        ACTIONS COMPLETED: Determination made to create new optometry UTCs (one for
        manpower and one for equipment) that could be employed in conjunction with ATHs
        or CONHOSPs on a regional basis (vice adding additional weight, cube, etc., to
        the ATH equipment package). HQ AETC has been assigned as the MEFPAK manager
        for the new UTCs currently being added to the system. The hospital at Sheppard
        AFB (pilot unit) is currently working to build the prototype equipment package.
        The equipment and manpower are designed to support a population of up to 10K
        with primary eye care (exam, diagnosis, and treatment or refractive disorders;
        ocular injury and diseases; and contact lens support) and ophthalmic capability
        (repair of spectacles and mask inserts). Manpower includes one optometrist
        (9256) and three optometry techs (912XO).

        STATUS: Recommend closure.

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