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File: 970207_aadci_043.txt
Page: 043
Total Pages: 139

                         ODS MEDICAL LESSONS LEARNED
                              LOGISTICS CATEGORY

     LOGISTICS ISSUE NO. 13 Flight Surgeon Personal and Specialized Equipment
     (SGHR ITEMS NO. 175, 181)
     BACKGROUND: ATC flight surgeons faced significant problems in securing flight
     suits and air crew ensembles once in theater.
     DISCUSSION: Guidance regarding specialized equipment authorizations for flight
     surgeons had not been provided.
     RECOMMENDATIONS: Determine appropriate requirements for specialized equipment
     to include ATLS/ACLS equipment. Develop and publish TAs. ,
     ACTIONS REQUIRED: Determine if additional equipment is required for AE flight
     surgeons and develop TAs for UTCs FFQC1 and FFQC2.
     ACTIONS COMPLETED: TAs have been reviewed and updated to ensure that all AE
     flight surgeons will be authorized needed equipment.
                          STATUS: Recommend closure.

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