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File: 970207_aadcu_012.txt
Page: 012
Total Pages: 36

                                               MEDICAL LESSONS LEARNED
                                                    DESERT SHIEED/STORM

        CATEGORY: Command and Control

        ISSUE/ITEM NO:

        SUBJECT: Medical Intelligence

        BACKGROUND: The primary source of current medical intelligence data, AFMIC,
        provided DoD wide data regarding medical information of military value. AFMIC
        is charged to provide said data during both peacetime and contingency operations.

        DISCUSSION: AFMIC support throughout Desert Shield/Desert Storm was outstanding.
        The continuing series of Special AFMIC Weekly Wires proved invaluable to both
        pre-planning and employment of theater forces. Virtually all required medical
        guidance was provided through this single source.

                                A small number of medical treatment facilities requesting medical
        guidance were not using the AFMICs to full advantage; i.e., not ensuring that
        messages were provided to appropriate clinical staff in a timely manner.


             (1) Continued full support of AFMIC missions.

             (2) Ensure local procedures for circulation and maintenance of medical
        intelligence read files are clearly defined. MAJCOMs should ensure program
        vitality as routine portions of Staff Assistance Visits.


        SUBMITTER: Terry W. Clarke/Capt/HQ ATC/SGAX

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