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File: 970207_aadcu_013.txt
Page: 013
Total Pages: 36

                                          MEDICAL LESSONS LEARNED
                                                DESERT SHIELD/STORM

         CATEGORY: Command and Control
         ISSUE/ITEM NO:

         SUBJECT: Medical Intelligence/Preventive Medicine

        BACKGROUND: Each medical treatment facility is required to provide preventive
        health data for deploying forces. Level of detail and contents of this data
        varies greatly. 

        DISCUSSION: One handout developed and used at Brooks AFB/SGPM combines health
        recommendations with other tips for theater survival. Although only one example,
        this information can be an invaluable aid to deployed personnel. Such
        initiatives should be encouraged. (See Attachment)

        ACTION RECOMMENDED: Development of similar materials should be strongly
        encouraged and expanded upon. AFR 28-4 can be expanded to include numerous
        additional "recommended" personal mobility items.

                                                      LG/Functional Managers

        SUBMITTER: Terry W. Clarke/Capt/HQ ATC/SGAX

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