*  STRIKE WARFARE. The Joint Force                                      range, all weather stealthy strike
      Air Component Commander (JFACC)                                      aircraft (AX) as a replacement for
      used the air tasking order (ATO) as a                                the A~. In addition, the excellent
      centralized planning and execution                                   performance of the F/A-18 con-
      tool. It was effective in managing the                               firmed the validity of the multi-
      high volume of sorties generated to                                  mission strike/fighter concept.
      concentrate coalition air power
      against Iraq, espedally during the                                -  TOMAHAWK CRUISE MIS-
      preplanned, structured stages of the                                 SILE. Tomahawk was a tremen
      campaign. There were some prob-                                      dous success, and its first use in
      lems with production of the ATO and                                  combat fully confirmed the results
      its delivery to naval forces. The                                    of previous extensive operational
      flexibility of the ATO must be im-                                   testing. The value of distributed
      proved to account for changes, shift-                                firepower was demonstrated by
      ing priorities and real time target                                  TOMAHAWK launches from
      requirements as the campaign                                         surface combatants and subma-
      progresses.                                                          rines. DESERT STORM high-
                                                                           lighted the importance of rigorous
      "The ...... was ~ective in managing the volume                       training on this complex weapon
ofsorties generated to concentrate coalition air power against             system, not only for shooters, but
Iraq, especiallyduring the preplanned structured stages of the             for all levels of command, indud-
campaign... After the first two days, late completion of the
ATO impacted operations. As hostilities progressed and key                 ing joint staffs involved in strike
targets had been struck (with delayed BDA) the ATO proved                  planning. Knowledge grew
increasingly unresponsive to rapidly moving events... The                  rapidly throughout the build-up
"kill box" concept was an improvement, as it allowed decen-                period. Planned improvements in
tralized target selection and coordination with airborne assets            the Tomahawk missile and mis-
for real time target priorities..."                                        sion planning systems will further

      -   Vice Admiral S.R. Arthur, USN, Corn-                             enhance the capabilities and
          mander U.S. Naval Forces Central Corn-                           potential contributions of this
          mand, Quick Look - First Impressions                             formidable weapon.
          Report, 22 March1991
                                                                        "...The oblective is not always to reduce a target to
      -   STRIKE AIRCRAFT. The A-6                                rubble, but to significantly disrupt operations. TLAM [the
          aircraft was a workhorse for long                       Tomahawk land attack missilel proved to be an excellent
          range strike. It performed ex-                          weapon to accomplish this, especially TLAM-D."
          tremely well in an environment of                             -  Vice Admiral S.R. Arthur, USN, Corn-
          established air superiority, but its                             mander U.S. Naval Forces Central Corn-
          survivability would be reduced                                   mand, Quick Look - First Impressions
          against future high-tech air de                                  Report, 22 March1991-
          fenses. It was clear the A-6 re-
          quires upgrade and eventual                                   "The use of TLAM has validated the ~ectiveness of
          replacement. The performance of                         these weapons for a number of contingencies..."
          the F-I 17 demonstrated the value                             -  Admiral J. T. Howe, USN, Commander-
          of stealth and validated the re                                  in-Chief U.S. Naval Forces Europe, Quick
          quirement for a follow-on, long                                  Look First Impressions Report, 20 March


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