4 March           Iraq releases ten Prisoners of War (6 Americans. 3 of whom were designated
                         M~~, including Navy LT :jeffrey Zauri, LT Robert Wetzel, and LT
                         Lawrence Slade. No Marines repatriated. POWs were turned over to
                         U.S. officials by the International Committee of the Red Cross near
                         the Jordanian border station of Ruwayshid, then transferred to the
                         hospital ship USNS MERCY (T-AH 19) for medical treatment.
                  DOD announces establishment of a demarcation zone in southern Iraq be-
                         tween U.S./coalition forces and Iraqi forces to prevent engagements
                         between forces.
                  Iracjis have provided information on location of land and sea mines.
                  Naval forces are conducting defensive counter-air, mine removal, reconnais-
                         sance, and maritime interception operations.
                  Air reconnaissance operations continue, including over Baghdad.
                  DOD revises U.S. casualty data: 98 KIA, 308 WIA, 35 MIA, 6 POW (reflects
                         release of 6 Americans).
                  Enemy prisoners of war total 63,000+ in Saudia Arabia, 37,000 in U.S. facili-
                         ties, 3,000+ in Turkey.
                  6,661 Naval Reservists are currently serving in the Arabian Gulf theater.

5 March           Iraq releases thirty five Prisoners of War (15 Americans. 9 of whom were
                         designated MIA) to the International Red Cross, including USMC
                         Lieutenant Colonel Clifford Acree, Chief Warrant Officer Guy
                         Hunter, Jr., Captain Michael Berryman, Captain Russell Sanborn, and
                         Major Joseph Small III. No Navy personnel released.
                  DOD announces minor repositioning of forces in the KTO, continued def-
                         ensive posture.
                  Naval forces are conducting counter-air, reconnaissance, maritime intercep-
                         tion operations and mine removal. To-date, 140 mines de�troyed.
                  USS SAMUEL B. ROBERTS diverts freighter in N. Red Sea.
                  Over 114,000 sorties have been flown by U.S. and coalition forces.
                  DOD revises U.S. casualty data: 115 KIA. 65 Non-Combat Fatalities. 330
                         WI~ 37 MI~ 6 POW.
                  Based on the end of hostilities with Iraq, USS FORRESTAL (CV-59) Car-
                         rier Battle Group will not deploy on March 7 as previously an-
                         nounced. The eight ships and embarked air wing will be ready to
                         deploy should circumstances warrant.
                  Sealift update: 247 ships in support, 211 under MSC operational control; 450
                         offloads completed (18.3 billion pounds of fuel and equipment involv-
                         ing 2,000+ tanks, 2,200 armored vehicles, 1,000 assorted helos, air-
                         craft, trucks and other combat equipment for the Marines and Air
                         Force, hundreds of self-propelled Howitzers for the Army, and equip-
                         ment for three Navy Fleet Hospitals).

6 March           At D +49, in a prisoner exchange, 35 released Prisoners of War transit from
                         Baghdad to Riyadh, 294 Iraqi Enemy Prisoners of War transit to
                         Baghdad. U.S. POWs are transferred to USNS MERCY for medical


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