[1] The terms vaccination and immunization are used interchangeably in this paper. See the glossary in Tab A for more exact definitions of these terms and the differences between them.
[2] Institute of Medicine, Strategies to Protect the Health of Deployed U.S. Forces: Medical Surveillance, Record Keeping, and Risk Reduction, Joellenbeck, Lois M., Philip K. Russell, and Samuel B. Guze, eds., Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1999, p. 103.
[3] Institute of Medicine and National Research Council, Chemical and Biological Terrorism: Research and Development to Improve Civilian Medical Response, Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1999, p. 111.
[4] Department of Defense Memorandum, from the Deputy Secretary of Defense, Subject: "Executive Agent for the Armed Forces Epidemiological Board," May 21, 1998.
[5] Armed Forces Medical Intelligence Center web site, www.armymedicine.army.mil/ (as of June 29, 2000).
[6] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention web site, www.cdc.gov (as of June 29, 2000).
[7] Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices web site, www.cdc.gov/od/ads/acip (as of June 29, 2000).
[8] World Health Organization, "Communicable Disease Surveillance and Response (CSR)," web site, www.who.int/emc/ (as of June 29, 2000).
[9] Department of Defense Instruction 6205.2, "Immunization Requirements," October 9, 1986, par. 3.
[10] Army Regulation 40-562, Navy Medical Command Instruction 6230.3, Air Force Regulation 161-13, and Coast Guard Commandant Instruction M6230.4D, "Immunizations and Chemoprophylaxis," October 7, 1988, p. 1 and par. 2-1a, 3-1b, 3-11a, 4-4.
[11] Air Force Joint Instruction 48-110, Army Regulation 40-562, Navy Bureau of Medicine Instruction 6230.15, and Coast Guard Commandant Instruction M6230.4E, "Immunizations and Chemoprophylaxis," November 1, 1995, par. 12, 47-49.
[12] Department of Defense (Health Affairs) E-mail, from a staff member, Subject: "Status of Joint Service Immunization Policy," June 1, 2000.
[13] Department of Defense Directive 6205.3, "DoD Immunization Program for Biological Warfare Defense," November 26, 1993, par. 4.1.
[14] Institute of Medicine, Strategies to Protect the Health of Deployed U.S. Forces: Medical Surveillance, Record Keeping, and Risk Reduction, Joellenbeck, Lois M., Philip K. Russell, and Samuel B. Guze, eds., Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1999, p. 105-106.
[15] Joint Staff Force Health Protection Brief, J4 web site, www.dtic.mil/jcs/j4 (as of June 27, 2000).
[16] Department of Defense Force Health Protection web site, www.forcehealth.com (as of June 8, 2000).
[17] Joint Staff Force Health Protection Vision Document, J4 web site, www.dtic.mil/jcs/j4 (as of June 27, 2000); American Forces Information Service News Article, Gillert, Douglas J., "Force Protection Covers All Aspects of Troop Health," June 1998.
[18] Army Regulation 40-562, Naval Medical Command Instruction 6230.3, Air Force Regulation 161-13, and Coast Guard Commandant Instruction M6230.4D, "Immunizations and Chemoprophylaxis," October 7, 1988.
[19] Unless otherwise noted, the information about specific diseases and vaccines is taken from the following: Chin, James, ed., Control of Communicable Diseases Manual, American Public Health Association, 17th ed., Washington, DC: 2000; and Grabenstein, John D., ImmunoFacts: Vaccines and Immunologic Drugs, St. Louis, MO: Facts and Comparisons, 2000. Detailed information on vaccines can also be found at the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices web site, www.cdc.gov/nip.
[20] Institute of Medicine, Strategies to Protect the Health of U.S. Forces: Medical Surveillance, Record Keeping, and Risk Reduction, Joellenbeck, Lois M., Philip K. Russell, and Samuel B. Guze, eds., Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1999, p.105.
[21] Inglesby, Thomas V. et al., "Plague as a Biological Weapon: Medical and Public Health Management," Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), May 3, 2000, vol. 283, no. 17, p. 2285.
[22] United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, Public Health Training Network, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Food and Drug Administration, "Biological Warfare and Terrorism: The Military and Public Health Response," Satellite Broadcast, September 21-23, 1999, p. 41.
[23] Air Force Joint Instruction 48-110, Army Regulation 40-562, Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery Instruction 6230.15, and Coast Guard Commandant Instruction M6230.4E, "Immunizations and Chemoprophylaxis," November 1, 1995.
[24] CENTCOM Message, from USCINCCENT/CCCS, Subject: "Preventive Medicine Guidance for Operation Desert Shield," 101700Z Aug 90.
[25] Grabenstein, John D., "Meningococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine: Groups A, C, Y, and W-135," (section written February 1999), ImmunoFacts: Vaccines and Immunologic Drugs, St. Louis, MO: Facts and Comparisons, 2000, p. 92g-94a.
[26] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, "Meningococcal Disease Among Travelers Returning from Saudi Arabia," Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), August 28, 1987, vol. 36, no. 33, p. 559; Gasser, Robert A. et al., "The Threat of Infectious Disease in Americans Returning from Operation Desert Storm," The New England Journal of Medicine, March 21, 1991, vol. 324, no. 12, p. 862.
[27] CENTCOM Message, from USCINCCENT/CCCS, Subject: "Preventive Medicine Guidance for Operation Desert Shield," 101700Z Aug 90.
[28] Army Message, from CDRFORSCOM/FCMD-PM, Subject: "Consolidated Immunization and Preventive Medicine Requirements and Information," 141815Z Aug 90.
[29] Navy Message, from CNO/932, Subject: "Preventive Medicine Guidance for Operation Desert Shield," 131510Z Aug 90; Air Force Message, from NGB/SGA, Subject: "Preventive Medicine Guidance for Operation Desert Shield," 131500Z Aug 90; Marine Corps Operations Plan, "USMARCENT OPLAN Desert Storm," January 1, 1991, p. D-3-C-2.
[30] Air Force Message, from NGB/SGP, Subject: "Malaria Chemoprophylaxis and Meningococcal Vaccination for Operation Desert Shield," 101528Z Oct 90; Desert Shield Preventive Medicine Situation Summary Report, 29 September to 12 October 1990; Army Message, from CINCFOR/FCJ3-CAT, Subject: "Medical/Dental Screening During Desert Shield - At Home Station and During POM," 061600Z Oct 90.
[31] Presidential Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses, Final Report, December 1996, p. 117; Information Paper, Subject: "Post Operations Desert Shield/Desert Storm (ODS/DS) Medical Issues," September 15, 1993.
[32] Grabenstein, John D., "Typhoid Vaccines (Parenteral)," (section written May 1995), ImmunoFacts: Vaccines and Immunologic Drugs, St. Louis, MO: Facts and Comparisons, 2000, p. 110.
[33] CENTCOM Message, from USCINCCENT/CCCS, Subject: "Preventive Medicine Guidance for Operation Desert Shield," 101700Z Aug 90.
[34] Army Message, from CDRFORSCOM/FCMD-PM, Subject: "Consolidated Immunization and Preventive Medicine Requirements and Information," 141815Z Aug 90; Navy Message, from CNO/932, Subject: "Preventive Medicine Guidance for Operation Desert Shield," 131510Z Aug 90; Air Force Message, from NGB/SGA, Subject: "Preventive Medicine Guidance for Operation Desert Shield," 131500Z Aug 90; Marine Corps Operations Plan, "USMARCENT OPLAN Desert Storm," January 1, 1991, p. D-3-C-2.
[35] Hyams, Kenneth C. et al., "The Impact of Infectious Diseases on the Health of U.S. Troops Deployed to the Persian Gulf During Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm," Clinical Infectious Diseases, June 1995, vol. 20, p. 1499.
[36] CENTCOM Message, from USCINCCENT/CCCS, Subject: "Preventive Medicine Guidance for Operation Desert Shield," 101700Z Aug 90; Army Message, from CDRFORSCOM/FCMD-PM, Subject: "Consolidated Immunization and Preventive Medicine Requirements and Information," 141815Z Aug 90.
[37] Navy Message, from CNO/932, Subject: "Preventive Medicine Guidance for Operation Desert Shield," 131510Z Aug 90; Air Force Message, from NGB/SGA, Subject: "Preventive Medicine Guidance for Operation Desert Shield," 131500Z Aug 90; Marine Corps Operations Plan, "USMARCENT OPLAN Desert Storm," January 1, 1991, p. D-3-C-2.
[38] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Infectious Diseases, "Comprehensive Yellow Fever Vaccination Requirements," web site, www.cdc.gov/travel/diseases/yelfever (as of June 30, 2000).
[39] Immune globulin already contains antibodies against hepatitis A; a vaccine stimulates the body to produce them. Either way, the individual is protected, but the duration of protection from immune globulin is brief (months), while that produced by a vaccine would be long-lasting (years).
[40] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Infectious Diseases, "Hepatitis, Viral, Type A," web site, www.cdc.gov/travel/diseases/hav (as of May 2, 2000); Gasser Robert A. et al., "The Threat of Infectious Disease in Americans Returning form Operation Desert Storm," The New England Journal of Medicine, March 21, 1991, vol. 324, no. 12, p. 862.
[41] CENTCOM Message, from USCINCCENT/CCCS, Subject: "Preventive Medicine Guidance for Operation Desert Shield," 101700Z Aug 90.
[42] Army Message, from CDRFORSCOM/FCMD-PM, Subject: "Consolidated Immunization and Preventive Medicine Requirements and Information," 141815Z Aug 90; Army Message, from CDRFORSCOM/FCMD, Subject: "Updated Immunization and Preventive Medicine Guidance," 201145Z Nov 90.
[43] Navy Message, from CNO/932, Subject: "Preventive Medicine Guidance for Operation Desert Shield," 131510Z Aug 90; Air Force Message, from NGB/SGA, Subject: "Preventive Medicine Guidance for Operation Desert Shield," 131500Z Aug 90; Marine Corps Operations Plan, "USMARCENT OPLAN Desert Storm," January 1, 1991, p. D-3-C-2.
[44] Army Memorandum, from the Chief of the Preventive and Military Medicine Consultants Division, Subject: "Purchase of Immune Serum Globulin (ISG) from Foreign Manufacturer," November 29, 1990; Office of the Special Assistant for Gulf War Illnesses E-mail, from a staff member, Subject: "Contaminated Immune Globulin (Gamma Globulin) and the Gulf War," April 15, 1997; Office of the Special Assistant for Gulf War Illnesses Letter, from the Special Assistant, January 30, 1998.
[45] Hyams, Kenneth C. et al., "The Impact of Infectious Diseases on the Health of U.S. Troops Deployed to the Persian Gulf During Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm," Clinical Infectious Diseases, June 1995, vol. 20, p. 1501.
[46] Department of Defense (Health Affairs) Memorandum, from the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs, Subject: "Recommendation Regarding the Use of the Newly Licensed Hepatitis A Vaccine in Military Personnel," April 19, 1995.
[47] Ledford, Frank F., "From the Surgeon General of the Army: Medical Support for Operation Desert Storm," The Journal of the US Army Medical Department, January/February 1992, p.5; Hyams, Kenneth C. et al., "The Impact of Infectious Diseases on the Health of U.S. Troops Deployed to the Persian Gulf During Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm," Clinical Infectious Diseases, June 1995, vol. 20, p. 1498; Air Force Message, from NGB/SGP, Subject: "Malaria Chemoprophylaxis and Meningococcal Vaccination Guidelines for Operation Desert Shield," 101528Z Oct 90; Desert Shield Preventive Medicine Situation Summary Report, 29 September to 12 October 1990.
[48] Defense Science Board, "Task Force on Persian Gulf War Health Effects," June 1994, p. 47; Hyams, Kenneth C. et al., "The Impact of Infectious Diseases on the Health of U.S. Troops Deployed to the Persian Gulf During Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm," Clinical Infectious Diseases, June 1995, Vol. 20, p. 1497.
[49] Global Patient Movement Requirements Center, "Desert Shield/Desert Storm Moves, August 1990-August 1992," February 9, 1998.
[50] Writer, James V., Robert F. DeFraites, and John F. Brundage, "Comparative Mortality Among US Military Personnel in the Persian Gulf Region and Worldwide During Operations Dessert Shield and Desert Storm," Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), January 10, 1996, vol. 275, no. 2, p. 119, Table 1.
[51] Central Intelligence Agency Assessment, "Iraq's Biological Warfare Program: Saddam's Ace in the Hole," August 8, 1990.
[52] Armed Forces Epidemiological Board Memorandum, from the Board President and the Executive Secretary, Subject: "Recommendations Concerning Immunization Policies," August 30, 1990.
[53] Friedlander, Arthur M., "Anthrax," Medical Aspects of Chemical and Biological Warfare, Sidell, Frederick R. et al., eds., Textbook of Military Medicine, Zajtchuk, Russ, et al., eds., Washington, DC: Office of the Surgeon General, 1997, p. 471-472.
[54] Grabenstein, John D., "Anthrax Vaccine" (section written May 2000), ImmunoFacts: Vaccines and Immunologic Drugs, St. Louis, MO: Facts and Comparisons, 2000, p. 35a.
[55] Friedlander, Arthur M., Phillip R. Pittman, and Gerald W. Parker, "Anthrax Vaccine: Evidence for Safety and Efficacy Against Inhalational Anthrax," Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), December 8, 1999, vol. 282, no. 22, p. 2104-2106.
[56] Michigan Department of Public Health, Anthrax Vaccine Package Insert (Information Sheet), October 1987.
[57] Johnson-Winegar, Anna, Information Paper, Subject: "Anthrax Vaccine and Botulinum Vaccines," September 27, 1990.
[58] Department of Defense Ad Hoc Working Group for Medical Defense Against Biological Warfare, After Action Reports of Meetings on August 20, 1990, October 19, 1990, and November 2, 1990.
[59] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, "Pentavalent Botulinum Phosphate Adsorbed," Progress Report #31 BB-IND 161, March 2, 1996 to March 1, 1997.
[60] Department of Defense Memorandum, from the Secretary of Defense, Subject: "Expansion of Industrial Base for Biological Vaccine Production," October 3, 1990.
[61] Department of Defense (Health Affairs) Memorandum, from the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs, Subject: "Expansion of Industrial Base for Biological Vaccine Production," October 5, 1990; Army Memorandum for Record, from the Commander, US Army Medical Research and Development Command, Subject: "Second Tri-Service Task Force Meeting to Evaluate the Industrial Capability to Produce Anthrax and Botulinum Toxin Vaccines," October 12, 1990.
[62] Joint Chiefs of Staff, Logistics Directorate (J4), "Biological Defense Chronology," MPOD #3821, February 12, 1992, p. 10.
[63] Army Memorandum for Record, from the Task Force Chairman, Subject: "Third Tri-Service Task Force (Project Badger) Meeting," October 18, 1990; Chronology for Project Badger (Long Term), October 24, 1990.
[64] Army Memorandum for Record, from the Task Force Chairman, Subject: "Sixth Tri-Service Task Force (Project Badger) Meeting," November 9, 1990.
[65] Army Memorandum for Record, from the Task Force Chairman, Subject: "Third Tri-Service Task Force (Project Badger) Meeting," October 18, 1990.
[66] Army Memorandum for Record, from the Deputy Director of Professional Services, Office of the Surgeon General, Subject: "BW Vaccine Surge Meeting," December 6, 1990.
[67] Army Memorandum for Record, from the Task Force Chairman, Subject: "Fourth Tri-Service Task Force (Project Badger) Meeting," October 26, 1990.
[68] Army Memorandum, from the Commander, US Army Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, Subject: "Response to LEAD [Lead Sheet] Report," June 29, 1999.
[69] Army Memorandum, from the Director of Health Care Operations, Subject: "Request for Anthrax and Botulinum Vaccine and Botulinum Antitoxin Requirements," April 12, 1991; Caudle, Lester C. III, "The Biological Warfare Threat," Medical Aspects of Chemical and Biological Warfare, Sidell, Frederick R. et al., eds., Textbook of Military Medicine, Zajtchuk, Russ, et al., eds., Washington, DC: Office of the Surgeon General, 1997, p. 462.
[70] CENTCOM Message, from USCINCCENT/CCSG, Subject: "Biological Warfare Defense Medical Guidelines," 051444Z Jan 91; Department of Defense Ad Hoc Desert Shield Biological Warfare Working Group, Minutes of Meeting on January 18, 1991.
[71] Office of the Special Assistant for Gulf War Illnesses E-mail, from a staff member, Subject: "Phone Conversation," May 2, 2000; Navy roster of SEAL personnel, June 24, 1998.
[72] Army Memorandum, from the Army Operations Deputy, Subject: "Alert Message to Prepare for Initiation of the BW Vaccination Program," December 14, 1990.
[73] CENTCOM After Action Report, "Medical Defense against Biological Warfare Summary," March 12, 1991, p. 6.
[74] CENTCOM Message, from USCINCCENT/CCSG, Subject: "Biological Warfare Vaccination Guidelines," 071203Z Jan 91; CENTCOM Message, from USCINCCENT/CCSG, Subject: "Biological Warfare Vaccination Guidelines," 171632Z Jan 91.
[75] CENTCOM Message, from USCINCCENT/CCSG, Subject: "Biological Warfare Vaccination Guidelines," 071203Z Jan 91.
[76] Army Message, from COMUSARCENT/CG, Subject: "Biological Warfare Vaccination Guidelines," 080700Z Jan 91.
[77] Army Forms 3161, "Request for Issue or Turn-in," January 10 through February 18, 1991.
[78] CENTCOM Message, from USCINCCENT/CCSG, Subject: "Biological Warfare Vaccination Guidelines," 171632Z Jan 91.
[79] Army Forms 3161, "Request for Issue or Turn-in," February 7 and 18, 1991.
[80] CENTCOM Message, from USCINCCENT/CCSG, Subject: "Investigational Drug Status," 081808Z Mar 91.
[81] Affidavit (voluntary refusal to take the anthrax shot), signed February 23, 1991.
[82] Belihar, Robert, Testimony before the Presidential Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses, January 12, 1996, web site, www.gwvi.ncr.gov (as of July 28, 2000).
[83] CENTCOM After Action Report, "Medical Defense Against Biological Warfare," March 12, 1991; Belihar, Robert, Testimony before the Presidential Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses, January 12, 1996, web site, www.gwvi.ncr.gov (as of July 28, 2000).
[84] CENTCOM Message, from USCINCCENT/CCSG, Subject: "Termination of Anthrax and Botulism Vaccination Programs," 041803Z Mar 91.
[85] Army Information Paper, from an Army staff officer, Subject: "Medical Products Recovery Team," May 13, 1991.
[86] Army Information Paper, from an Army staff officer, Subject: "Potential Loss of Anthrax and Botulism Vaccines and Botulinum Antitoxin in Saudi Arabia (SA)," May 24, 1991.
[87] Army Memorandum for Record, from an Army NBC staff officer, Subject: "Drug and Vaccine Usage During Operation Desert Shield/Storm," December 9, 1991; Army Information Paper, from an Army staff officer, Subject: "Numbers of Service Members Vaccinated During Operation Desert Storm," October 9, 1991; Presidential Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses, Final Report, December 1996, p. 98.
[88] Kang, Han K., et al., "Illnesses Among United States Veterans of the Gulf War: A Population-based Survey of 30,000 Veterans." Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, May 2000, vol. 42, no. 5, p. 496-7, 499.
[89] US Government White Paper, "Iraq Weapons of Mass Destruction Programs," released February 13, 1998, p. 2-3 and 7; Caudle, Lester C. III, "The Biological Warfare Threat," Medical Aspects of Chemical and Biological Warfare, Sidell, Frederick R. et al., eds., Textbook of Military Medicine, Zajtchuk, Russ, et al., eds., Washington, DC: Office of the Surgeon General, 1997, p. 462.
[90] Central Intelligence Agency, "Intelligence Related to Possible Sources of Biological Agent Exposure During the Persian Gulf War," August 2000, p. 2.
[91] Presidential Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses, Final Report, December 31, 1996, p. 38.
[92] Department of Defense Memorandum, from the Secretary of Defense, Subject: "Implementation of the Anthrax Immunization Program for the Total Force," May 18, 1998.
[93] Anthrax Vaccine Immunization Program web site, www.anthrax.osd.mil.
[94] Grabenstein, John D., "Influenza Virus Vaccines, Trivalent, Types A and B," (section written August 2000), ImmunoFacts: Vaccines and Immunologic Drugs, St. Louis, MO: Facts and Comparisons, 2000, p. 132.
[95] Grabenstein, John D., "Typhoid Vaccines (Parenteral)," (section written May 1995), ImmunoFacts: Vaccines and Immunologic Drugs, St. Louis, MO: Facts and Comparisons, 2000, p. 111.
[96] Grabenstein, John D., ImmunoFacts: Vaccines and Immunologic Drugs, St. Louis, MO: Facts and Comparisons, 2000, p. 67, 99, 123, 132, 186, 201.
[97] US Army Regulation 40-562, US Naval Medical Command Instruction 6230.3, US Air Force Regulation 161-13, and Coast Guard Commandant Instruction M6230.4D, "Immunizations and Chemoprophylaxis," October 7, 1988, par. 3-11a.
[98] Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine, Medical Surveillance Activity Report, "Adverse Reactions to Vaccines Among Soldiers Deployed to Persian Gulf War," November 21, 1996.
[99] Letter from an Army staff officer (concerning Gulf War biological warfare vaccination and medical defense program), January 15, 1991.
[100] Air Force Aerospace Medicine Consolidated After Action Report, "Desert Shield/Desert Storm," January 1992, p. 13.
[101] Michigan Department of Public Health, Anthrax Vaccine Package Insert (Information Sheet), October 1987.
[102] Although the initial hospital diagnosis sheet stated "Seizure activity (possible reaction to anthrax)," both the condition and the cause were less clear at the time of subsequent evaluation, i.e., "Pseudoseizures vs. seizure activity."
[103] Institute of Medicine, Health Consequences of Service During the Persian Gulf War: Initial Findings and Recommendations for Immediate Action, Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1995, p. 55.
[104] Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, "Administration of Pentavalent Botulinum Toxoid to At-Risk Individuals During Operation Desert Shield," September 14, 1990.
[105] Defense Logistics Agency Regulation 4155.28, "Reporting and Processing Medical Materiel Complaints," June 16, 1986.
[106] Lead Sheet #26394, Interview of a staff assistant for the Pharmaceutical Division, Defense Standardization Board, October 16, 1998.
[107] Air Force Joint Instruction 48-110, Army Regulation 40-562, Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery Instruction 6230.15, and Coast Guard Commandant Instruction M6230.4E, "Immunizations and Chemoprophylaxis," November 1, 1995, par. 12.
[108] Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) web site, www.fda.gov/cber/vaers (as of July 5, 2000).
[109] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, "Surveillance for Adverse Events Associated with Anthrax vaccination: US Department of Defense, 1998-2000," Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), April 28, 2000, vol. 49, no. 16, p. 341-345.
[110] Anthrax Vaccine Immunization Program web site, www.anthrax.osd.mil.
[111] Institute of Medicine, Gulf War and Health: Volume 1. Depleted Uranium, Sarin, Pyridostigmine Bromide, Vaccines, Fulco, Carolyn E., Catharyn T. Liverman, Harold C. Sox, eds., Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 2000, p. 1-5, 14-18.
[112] Grabenstein, John D., ImmunoFacts: Vaccines and Immunologic Drugs, St. Louis, MO: Facts and Comparisons, 2000, p. 35, 69, 127, 513.
[113] General Accounting Office, "Gulf War Illnesses: Questions About the Presence of Squalene Antibodies in Veterans Can Be Resolved," March 29, 1999, p. 3, 5, 6.
[114] Asa, Pamela B., Yan Cao, and Robert F. Garry, "Antibodies to Squalene in Gulf War Syndrome," Experimental and Molecular Pathology, February 2000, vol. 68, p. 55-64.
[115] Armed Forces Epidemiological Board Memorandum, from the Board President and the Executive Secretary, Subject: "Armed Forces Epidemiological Board (AFEB) Recommendations Regarding Review of the Paper, 'Antibodies to Squalene in Gulf War Syndrome' by P.B. Asa, Y. Cao and R.F. Garry," July 11, 2000.
[116] Institute of Medicine, Strategies to Protect the Health of Deployed U.S. Forces: Medical Surveillance, Record Keeping, and Risk Reduction, Joellenbeck, Lois M., Philip K. Russell, and Samuel B. Guze, eds., Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1999, p. 93.
[117] Army Message, from COMUSARCENT/CG, Subject: "Biological Warfare Vaccination Guidelines," 080700Z Jan 91; CENTCOM Message, from USCINCCENT/CCSG, Subject: "Biological Warfare Vaccination Guidelines," 171632Z Jan 91.
[118] Army Message, from COMUSARCENT/CG, Subject: "Biological Warfare Vaccination Guidelines," 080700Z Jan 91.
[119] CENTCOM Message, from USCINCCENT/CCSG, Subject: "Biological Warfare Vaccination Guidelines," 171632Z Jan 91.
[120] Botulinum toxoid vaccine information sheet [undated].
[121] Army Memorandum, from an Army Preventive Medicine Officer, Subject: "Operation Desert Storm Update," February 12, [1991].
[122] Army Memorandum, from a Medical Detachment Commander, Subject: "Desert Shield After Action Report," March 10, 1991; Army Memorandum, from a Medical Detachment Commander, Subject: "Anthrax Vaccination Program in LBC [Log Base Charlie]," March 4, 1991.
[123] Lead Sheet #14758, Interview of a physician, May 4, 1998; Lead Sheet #14216, Interview of a nurse, May 11, 1998; Lead Sheet #14536, Interview of a physician, July 16, 1998.
[124] Department of Defense Directive 6490.2, "Joint Medical Surveillance," August 30, 1997, par. 4; Department of Defense Instruction 6490.3, "Implementation and Application of Joint Medical Surveillance for Deployments," August 7, 1997, par. 6.
[125] Department of Defense (Health Affairs) web site, www.tricare.osd.mil/immunization (as of May 30, 2000); Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine web site, chppm-www.apgea-army.mil/depm (as of July 10, 2000); Anthrax Vaccine Immunization Program web site, www.anthrax.osd.mil.
[126] Investigational products include both drugs and "biologics;" vaccines are considered among the biologics. The official term "investigational new drug" or "IND" is taken to mean both drugs and biologics.
[127] Presidential Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses, Interim Report, February 1996, p. 20.
[128] Institute of Medicine, Strategies to Protect the Health of Deployed U.S. Forces: Medical Surveillance, Record Keeping, and Risk Reduction, Joellenbeck, Lois M., Philip K. Russell, and Samuel B. Guze, eds., Washington, DC: National Academy Press, p. 111.
[129] Institute of Medicine, Strategies to Protect the Health of Deployed U.S. Forces: Medical Surveillance, Record Keeping, and Risk Reduction, Joellenbeck, Lois M., Philip K. Russell, and Samuel B. Guze, eds., Washington, DC: National Academy Press, p. 112.
[130] Department of Defense (Health Affairs) Letter, from the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs, October 30, 1990 (as published in the Federal Register, December 21, 1990, p. 52814-52815).
[131] Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration, Interim Rule, "Informed Consent for Human Drugs and Biologics; Determination That Informed Consent Is Not Feasible," Federal Register, December 21, 1990, p. 52814-52817.
[132] Department of Defense (Health Affairs) Letter, from the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs, December 28, 1990.
[133] Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration Letter, from the Commissioner of Food and Drugs, December 31, 1990.
[134] RAND, Military Use of Drugs Not Yet Approved by the FDA for CW/BW Defense: Lessons From the Gulf War, National Defense Research Institute, 1999.
[135] Belihar, Robert, Testimony before the Presidential Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses, January 12, 1996, web site, www.gwvi.ncr.gov (as of July 28, 2000).
[136] Department of Defense (Health Affairs) Letter, from the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs, September 13, 1996.
[137] Army Memorandum, from the Army Infectious Diseases Consultant, Subject: "Tri-Service Vaccine Task Force (Appendix A)," December 7, 1990.
[138] Army Memorandum, from the Working Group Chairperson, Subject: "Minutes of the Desert Shield Medical Issues Working Group," December 27, 1990.
[139] Army Memorandum, from the Director of the Military Infectious Disease Research Program, Subject: "Infectious Disease (ID) Products Used in Operation Desert Shield," September 5, 1997; Army Memorandum, from the Army Surgeon General, Subject: "Tri-Service Task Force" [undated].
[140] Presidential Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses, Interim Report, February 1996, p. 22-23; Presidential Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses, Final Report, December 1996, p. 27.
[141] Presidential Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses, Special Report, October 1997, p. 8-10.
[142] Public Law 105-261, "Strom Thurmond National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1999," October 17, 1998, Sec. 731.
[143] Executive Order 13139, "Improving Health Protection of Military Personnel Participating in Particular Military Operations," September 30, 1999.
[144] Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration, "Human Drugs and Biologics; Determination that Informed Consent is Not Feasible or is Contrary to the Best Interests of Recipients; Revocation of 1990 Interim Final Rule; Establishment of New Interim Final Rule," Federal Register, October 5, 1999, p. 54180-54189.
[145] Office of the Special Assistant for Gulf War Illnesses (Information Paper), "Military Medical Recordkeeping During and After the Gulf War," August 11, 1999, web site, www.gulflink.health.mil.
[146] CENTCOM Message, from USCINCCENT/CCSG, Subject: "Biological Warfare Vaccination Guidelines," 171632Z Jan 91; Army Message, COMUSARCENT/CG, Subject: "Biological Warfare Vaccination Guidelines," 080700Z Jan 91.
[147] Army Memorandum, from the Army Deputy Surgeon General, Subject: "Medical Records and Rosters Related to Vaccination Against Biological Warfare Agents," May 21, 1991.
[148] CENTCOM Message, from USCINCCENT/CCSG, Subject: "Biological Warfare Vaccination Guidelines," 171632Z Jan 91; Army Message, COMUSARCENT/CG, Subject: "Biological Warfare Vaccination Guidelines," 080700Z Jan 91.
[149] Marine Corps Message, from FIRST MARDIV/CG, Subject: "Biological Warfare Vaccination Program," 200932Z Mar 91; Army Letter, from the Commander, Medical Group (Provisional), Subject: "Documentation Guidelines for Anthrax Immunization," July 9, 1991; Army Memorandum, from a 98th Division staff member, Subject: "Medical Records and Rosters Related to Vaccination Against Biological Warfare (BW) Agents," June 25, 1991; National Guard Bureau Memorandum, from the Chief of the Office of the Army Surgeon, Subject: "Medical Records and Rosters Related to Vaccination Against Biological Warfare Agents," June 24, 1991; Army Message, from CDRFORSCOM/FCJ1, Subject: "Medical Records and Rosters Related to Vaccination Against Biological Warfare (BW) Agents," 191755Z Jun 91; Army Memorandum, from the Army Deputy Surgeon General, Subject: "Medical Records and Rosters Related to Vaccination Against Biological Warfare Agents," May 21, 1991.
[150] Lead Sheet #10934, Interview of a hospital technician, May 22, 1997; Lead Sheet #5553, Interview of a hospital corpsman, July 22, 1997; Lead Sheet #14606, Interview of a clearing company physician, March 27, 1998; and Lead Sheet #9882, Interview of an air search and rescue member, February 11, 1997.
[151] Air Force Joint Instruction 48-110, Army Regulation 40-562, Bureau of Medicine Instruction 6230.15, and Coast Guard Commandant Instruction M6230.4E, "Immunizations and Chemoprophylaxis," November 1, 1995, par. 50-53; Army Regulation 40-66, "Medical Record Administration," July 20, 1992, p. 26, par. 5-17; Navy Manual P-117, "Manual of the Medical Department," December 23, 1994, p. 16-71, art. 16-59; Air Force Instruction 41-210, "Patient Administration Functions," July 26, 1994, p. 34, par. A5.4.2.2.
[152] Navy Memorandum, from the Chief of the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, Subject: "Adult Preventive and Chronic Care Flowsheet for Implementation of Put Prevention Into Practice (PPIP)," July 7, 1998; Department of Defense (Health Affairs) Memorandum, from the Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs, Subject: "Put Prevention Into Practice (PPIP) - Policy," March 31, 1998.
[153] Army Letter, from DASG-HS, Subject: "The Use of DD Form 2766 and DD Form 2766C," March 26, 1999.
[154] Air Force Memorandum, from the Commander, Air Force Medical Operations Agency, Subject: "Deployment Medical Surveillance," August 17, 1998.
[155] Air Force Pamphlet 44-155, Implementing Put Prevention Into Practice, February 1, 1999, par. 4.1.5.
[156] Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration, "Accessibility to New Drugs for Use in Military and Civilian Exigencies When Traditional Human Efficacy Studies Are Not Feasible: Determination Under the Interim Rule That Informed Consent is Not Feasible for Military Exigencies; Request for Comments," Federal Register, July 31, 1997, vol. 62, p. 40996-41001.
[157] Department of Defense (Health Affairs) Letter, from the Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs to the Lead Deputy Commissioner, Food and Drug Administration [undated].
[158] Department of Defense Report to Congress, "Medical Tracking System for Members Deployed Overseas," May 1998, p. 8-9.
[159] American Forces Information Service News Article, Gillert, Douglas J., "Pentagon Plans Mass Anthrax Vaccinations," December 16, 1997.
[160] Army Memorandum, from the Army Vice Chief of Staff, Subject: "Army Anthrax Vaccine Immunization Program Plan," April 28, 1998; Secretary of the Navy Instruction 6230.4, "Department of the Navy (DON) Anthrax Vaccination Implementation Program (AVIP)," April 29, 1998; Air Force Memorandum, from the Air Force Chief of Staff, Subject: "Air Force Anthrax Immunization Plan," March 9, 1998.
[161] Army Medical Command Regulation 40-39, "Anthrax Vaccine Adsorbed (AVA) Immunization Documentation," June 28, 1999.
[162] United Kingdom Ministry of Defence, "Background to the Use of Medical Countermeasures to Protect British Forces During the Gulf War (Operation Granby)," October 1997; United Kingdom Ministry of Defence, "Implementation of the Immunisation Programme Against Biological Warfare Agents for UK Forces During the Gulf Conflict 1990/1991," January 2000; United Kingdom Ministry of Defence web site, www.gulfwar.mod.uk (as of September 8, 2000).
[163] United Kingdom Ministry of Defence, "Implementation of the Immunisation Programme Against Biological Warfare Agents for UK Forces During the Gulf Conflict 1990/1991," January 2000 (statement by the Ministry of Defence to accompany publication of the report).
[164] United Kingdom Ministry of Defence, "Background to the Use of Medical Countermeasures to Protect British Forces During the Gulf War (Operation Granby)," October 1997, par. 42-44.
[165] United Kingdom Ministry of Defence, "Implementation of the Immunisation Programme Against Biological Warfare Agents for UK Forces During the Gulf Conflict 1990/1991," January 2000, par. 67.
[166] United Kingdom Ministry of Defence, "Implementation of the Immunisation Programme Against Biological Warfare Agents for UK Forces During the Gulf Conflict 1990/1991," January 2000 (Summary).
[167] Hotopf, Matthew et al., "Role of Vaccinations as Risk Factors for Ill Health of Veterans of the Gulf War: Cross Sectional Study," British Medical Journal, May 20, 2000, vol. 320, p. 1363; Shaheen, Seif, "Shots in the Desert and the Gulf War Syndrome," British Medical Journal, May 20, 2000, vol. 320, p. 1351; Institute of Medicine, Gulf War and Health: Volume 1. Depleted Uranium, Sarin, Pyridostigmine Bromide, Vaccines, Fulco, Carolyn E., Catharyn T. Liverman, Harold C. Sox, eds., Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 2000, p. 17-18.
[168] Canadian Department of National Defence, "Health Study of Canadian Forces Personnel Involved in the 1991 Conflict in the Persian Gulf," vol. II, app. E (Canada in the Gulf War), Canadian Department of National Defence web site, www.dnd.ca (as of August 30, 2000).
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