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File: aabar_03.txt
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power failure which will close down our 24 hour per day food service operation. CE
has sent several messages requesting disposition on this matter. We keep advised of results.


		(1) Provided on base quarters for 975 MAC personnel, 203 SAC personnel, 147 
MAC ALCE personnel, 38 TAC personnel, and 18 PCS/TDY personnel. Current billeting 
status see etch 1. Current contract quarters status see etch 2. Total cost of 
contract quarters this period, $759.

		(2) Billeting fund income this period $24,530. Sundry sales income $5,623.

		(3) CONCERN: Billeting fund is becoming very low because of the long delay 
in receiving reimbursements. The initial invoice submittal was returned to billeting 
from TJ/AC (as they maintained that we had completed the documents incorrectly), 
however, after we revised all the invoices in accordance with TJ's instructions they 
advised us that they had made a mistake and all the documents had to be reaccom
plished. We are not resubmitting the invoices (for the third time) for reimburse
ment. This has set us behind the cash flow curve and although we are in an accounts 
receivable for over $200,000, we are broke in cash flow assets. This problem has 
been discussed with 406 TFTW/AC and they are working the problem on our behalf. From 
now on we will submit all invoices to 406 TFTW/AC for review and reimbursement. This 
problem should correct itself in about a month.

	c. LINEN EXCHANGE. Total cost for linen laundry service during this period was 

3. SECURITY POLICE: Desert Shield/Storm Support:

	a. The 30 sleeping bags turned in last week were for building mobility bags for 
possible deployment, not direct shipment downrange.

	b. A total of 15 SPS personnel have received familiarization training on the 

	c. Two of three gateshacks were delivered for use as of 1600, 8 Feb. The third
will come next week. These are being used by entry controllers to the restricted

	d. Nine M-16 rifles were delivered to be used by personnel sent downrange. Two
will replace weapons already sent out of SPS weapons.

	e. SPS went to a four day on, two day off schedule on 7 Feb. Twelve hour shifts are 
still the norm.


	a. Called SMSgt Davis several times this week at Incirlik AB, Turkey, CPPO. 
Informed him that I am still lacking orders on a couple of spouses. This week con
tact was made with ALL spouses. [(b)(6)]


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