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File: aabdc_03.txt
Page: 03
Total Pages: 6

Q: On the 22d we held a base-wide exercise. Could you tell me 
something about that? 
P: That was just a typical type of exercise where we put 
ourselves into a situation where we had air field attacks, 
also some terrorist threats, and exercises with our various 
components with our utility centers to see how we would 
react to these communications, which worked out very 
well; whether we would be able to pick up all the exercise 
inputs and react to them in the appropriate exercise, and we 
We had the typical difficulties of trying to simulate 
something that would be very apparent if it was actually 
happening to get those in. That is always something you 
have to sort of put on the side and not get wrapped up in 
how the exercise is being put on but just what you can gain 
from it. Overall, I was very pleased with it. 
Q: Can you tell me some of the strong points? 
P: I think the key strong point is that it gets all the 
resources of the three nations here that are involved 
working together rather than going unilaterally. A good 
example of that is the chemical after attack. We have three 
systems that we are going out making judgments, assessments, 
recons of where chemicals were and where they weren't, 
whether we should be in  

Similarly along the runway damage, we will be able to have 
all three nations working together, determining where the 

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