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File: aabdc_04.txt
Page: 04
Total Pages: 6

damage ended, establishing a MOSS (?) of the safe operating 
strips, the safe tactical aid where people can go in and out 
of the aircraft; everybody will know that. That worked very 
Of course facilities repair; that all focuses on one place. 
[(b)(1)sec 3.4(b)(6)] 
		That really is something that was there, 
but a system to get inputs into it wasn't apparent. EOD, 
where the United States Air Force[(b)(1)sec 3.4(b)(5)]
				[(b)(1)sec 3.4(b)(6)] 
On medical where we have a small capability, we are working 
well with the RAF, which has put up a little clinic over 
there; and of course the RSAF has the clinic. Fire 
department, the RSAF has a large fire department and an 
excellent fire chief. We have a small contingent here of 24 
men to augment them and to work special things with our 
F-15s. [(b)(1)sec 3.4(b)(6)]  
					so we are all working 
[(b)(1)sec 3.4(b)(6)] 
			This gives us an opportunity to 
coordinate and make sure that we don't overlap security 
responsibilities and are optimizing the security with the 

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